New Jersey Physician Services
Essex Surgical is at the forefront of surgical care, bringing the very latest technologies and innovations to Northern New Jersey. Our surgery center is a state-of-the-art surgical facility equipped with advanced imaging, diagnostic and surgical technologies.
埃塞克斯手術提供了卓越的品質, state-of-the-art equipment, 個人和專業護理, 高效的門診手術服務,在舒適的環境. 支持你的醫生是由一個高技能人才隊伍的註冊護士和醫療保健專業人員誰是致力於使您的訪問愉快和舒適盡可能.
需要額外的信息? 叫 (973) 324-0400 或 request an appointment online with one of our experienced physicians 在埃塞克斯手術.