요구: (973) 324-0400
8:00 오전 - 8:00 오후

프랭크 Femino, M.D.

박사에 대해 더 알아보기. 프랭크 Femino.

프랭크 Femino, M.D.


정형 외과

사무실 주소:
5 프랭클린 애비뉴, 계속 202
빌, NJ 07109

박사. Femino specializes in adult reconstruction surgery and joint replacement. Chief of Orthopedics at Clara Maass Medical Center, 박사. Femino has performed more than 3,500 joint replacement surgeries, primarily of the hip and knee. He has had much success in performing surgeries that are considered “high risk” as well as those rarely attempted or compromised by previous surgeries.

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